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A list of the most common download errors and steps to resolve them

Nicole avatar
Written by Nicole
Updated this week


While we're continuously working to ensure the consistency and reliability of bank downloads, you may eventually encounter an error that requires additional steps to resolve. Fortunately, we've compiled a list of the most common bank errors so you can quickly get back to business!

Before Troubleshooting

Before troubleshooting, check out our community to see if the error that you are encountering has already been reported and being worked on!

Note: You may encounter a connection error while trying to connect to smaller banks, such as a credit union, over the weekends due to limited aggregation.

Top Bank Connectivity Errors

"We are unable to connect to [BANK NAME] at this time."

  • Error Code(s): 101, 102, 104, 105, 155, to.100, or others.


What causes this error?

  • This error indicates that we are unable to connect to your bank due to the selected bank throttling connection traffic, the bank’s website or the URL used to connect is unavailable, or the selected bank is performing maintenance on their servers.

    • While you may be able to log into your bank’s website successfully, you’ll still receive this error in Quicken Simplifi due to Quicken Simplifi connecting to a different server.

  • Error code 155 is presented when Quicken Simplifi is not able to establish a connection with your bank due to your bank blocking our connection attempt. We are not able to troubleshoot this error.

  • For American Express Users: American Express limits connectivity to avoid excessive server traffic.

    • A 102/105 error may occur during high-traffic times. American Express typically also blocks our connection on Mondays. It's recommended that you try updating at a later time.

  • For Vanguard Users: We currently have a known issue with Vanguard blocking connection traffic during peak hours.

    • Our team is actively working to alleviate the downtime. However, in the meantime, we suggest trying to add/update your account(s) outside of peak hours or over the weekend.

  • For Morgan Stanley Users: Morgan Stanley has a third-party authorization setting that needs to be enabled on their website for third-party access.

    • If third-party access is not enabled, you may receive error codes such as FDP-101, FDP-105, or other various error codes.

How can I resolve this error?

  • Typically, this error resolves itself after 24-48 hours. If you continue to receive this error after 48 hours, please reach out to our Quicken Simplifi's support team.

"We are unable to update [BANK] at this time. Please try again later. If you continue to experience issues, please get in touch with Quicken Simplifi support.

  • Error Code: QCS-0429-2 or Care Code sr.100

What causes this error?

  • This error is caused when we’ve encountered an issue connecting to your account or there were to many failed attempts with connecting to your bank.

  • While you receive this error code in Quicken Simplifi, you may be able to log onto the bank's website successfully.

How can I resolve this error?

  • Typically, this error resolves itself after 4 hours. However, if you continue to receive this error after 4 hours, don't hesitate to reach out to Quicken Simplifi's support team.

"To connect to [BANK], you must re-enter your credentials. If that does not work, try entering them on the website at [BANK] to ensure they are correct."

  • Error Code: 103


What causes this error?

  • Invalid username or password.

Note: Bank of America has a 20 character limit when creating a password.

How can I resolve this error?

  • Verify the bank selected is the correct instance.

    • Your bank may have several different instance that can be see in the Add Account bank list, so be sure to ensure that you're using the correct one. If you're unsure, please reach out to support team.

  • Verify that you're login information is correct.

    • Type your password/PIN into a text application to ensure you don’t have any typographical errors. Then, copy and paste your login information into Quicken Simplifi to ensure accuracy.

  • Verify your login at the bank’s website – Try to sign in to your bank’s website using the same login credentials to ensure you've not locked yourself out of the account and that the credentials are still valid.

  • Check for an app-specific password – Some banks require users to use a specific app password when connecting to a third party. Check with your bank to see if you need to use an app-specific password.

  • Update your credentials – Try temporarily updating your password at your bank's website and then try again to connect to Quicken Simplifi. We recommend NOT using the following special characters: & < > / \.

  • For Betterment Users: Betterment offers customers the ability to create an App-Specific Password. So, if you're experiencing trouble adding your accounts to Simplifi, please ensure you're using the correct password. To confirm whether you have an App-Specific Password, follow the below steps:

    1. Sign in to the Betterment website.

    2. Go to Settings > Security.

    3. Scroll down to the section called App Passwords.

    4. Follow the steps to create an App Password for Simplifi (Quicken).

    5. Add accounts to Simplifi using the new password.

  • For Wealthfront Users: Wealthfront offers customers the ability to create an App-Specific Password. So, if you are experiencing trouble adding your accounts to Quicken Simplifi, please ensure you are using the correct password. To generate your app-specific password for your Wealthfront account(s):

    1. Log in to Wealthfront, then navigate to Settings.

    2. Under Link Wealthfront to other apps, select Generate an app-specific password.

    3. Follow the steps to create an App Password for Quicken Simplifi.

    4. Add accounts to Simplifi using the new password.

If you continue to experience trouble, don't hesitate to get in touch with Quicken Simplifi Support team.

“This usually happens if an account nickname or number has changed at your bank. To fix, you must reconnect your account.”

  • Error Code: 106 or 324


Note: If you add your account for the first time and receive this message, don't hesitate to get in touch with Quicken Simplifi Support.

What causes this error?

  • You may receive this error if an account name or number changes at your bank or if an account is closed. Most users would experience this message if you replaced their credit card due to lost or stolen.

How can I resolve this error?

  • If an account number or name has changed, you can reconnect your account and link it to the already existing account in Quicken Simplifi by following these steps:

    1. Hover over the menu on the left-hand side and select Settings.

    2. Select Accounts.

    3. Locate the Financial Institution that's receiving the error and select the three dots at the end of it.

    4. Select Reset connection and then click Reset.

    5. Enter your credentials, then click Connect. 

    6. Once your accounts are presented, select the Link option to the right of each account.

    7. Click Link To and select the matching account.

    8. Click Complete when done.

If you continue to experience trouble, don't hesitate to get in touch with Quicken Simplifi Support team.

"Please sign in to your account at the website for [BANK] to complete an action, then try again."

  • Error Code: 108


What causes this error?

  • This error code presents when the bank has added either a new page to its website or a pop-up window that requires user action to bypass it. Typically, these are things such as a prompt to update your personal contact information or promotional material like credit card or loan offers.

How can I resolve this error?

  • You can resolve this by logging into the Bank's website and addressing the new web page that requires your response. If you sign in and don't see any pop-ups, try signing in to your bank's website using a different browser or incognito.

  • For BBVA users: If you receive a 108 error when trying to add your BBVA accounts, you'll need to ensure you've granted third-party access. To do this, you will follow these steps:

    1. Log into your online account (BBVA) and click on Service Center.

    2. Under Online Banking Services, click on Quicken and Quickbooks Access Self Service.

    3. Then on the Register New Access tab, click on Register and follow the prompts.

    4. Once this is completed, you should complete the setup of BBVA in Quicken Simplifi.

  • For TD Ameritrade Users: TD Ameritrade has implemented a new MFA protocol that we currently do not support, which is causing a 108 error in Quicken Simplifi for some users. If you receive a 108 error when adding or updating accounts with TD Ameritrade in Quicken Simplifi, we suggest contacting TD Ameritrade directly to make them aware of the issue. You may also consider disabling MFA with TD Ameritrade to connect in Quicken Simplifi.

"To connect to your account, you must change your password at the website for [BANK]."

  • Error Code: 109


What causes this error?

  • This error is presented when the financial institution requires users to change their password before establishing a connection in Quicken Simplifi.

How can I resolve this error?

You can resolve this error by accessing your financial institution's website and update your password. Once updated, you can try adding your account(s) again.

"A multi-factor authentication is required to connect to your" account at [BANK].

  • Error Code: 185 or 187.


What causes this error?

  • You may receive this error if multi-factor authentication is required to add your account or if the multi-factor code entered was invalid.

Note: If you are receiving this message without being prompted to complete an MFA, please get in touch with Quicken Simplifi Support and let them know you're not being asked for MFA.

How can I resolve this error?

  • Quicken Simplifi should prompt you with a multi-factor authentication pop-up when refreshing your accounts. If you close the pop-up, it can be re-accessed by selecting the orange exclamation point next to the account name in the account list or by going to Settings > Accounts > and clicking Reconnect Accounts next to the affected account.

  • If you receive this error again after completing a multi-factor authentication, it could indicate a multi-factor authentication code was entered incorrectly. If you fail the multi-factor authentication, Quicken Simplifi should prompt you to go through the process one more time.

If you continue to experience trouble, don't hesitate to get in touch with Quicken Simplifi Support team.

"The current multi-factor authentication method at [BANK] is not supported. To connect to your account, you must change the multi-factor authentication method at [BANK]."

  • Error Code: 192


What causes this error?

  • This error is presented when the selected financial institution uses an unsupported authentication method.

How can I resolve this error?

  • If available, you may need to deactivate or change the secondary authentication method on the financial institution website before Quicken Simplifi can add/update the accounts.

"Your account connection no longer works, but we have a new and improved way to connect to your financial institution."

  • Error Code: 390


What causes this error?

  • This error occurs when the instance of the bank you are trying to connect to has been discontinued.

How can I resolve this error?

  • You'll need to reauthorize the accounts with the new active instance of that bank. Before reauthorizing, you'll need to ensure all accounts with the impacted bank instance are turned into manual accounts. You can do this by following the below steps:

    1. First, hover over the panel on the left-hand side and select Settings.

    2. Select Accounts.

    3. Locate the Account you'd like to make 'manual' and click the three dots at the end.

    4. Select Make manual.

    5. Click Make Manual to confirm.

  • Once all applicable accounts are manual, you'll need to go through the add account flow to reconnect:

    1. From the Accounts menu, select +Account in the upper left.

    2. If your bank is already shown, you can click on the image to select it or just begin typing the bank's name into the Search bar to let Quicken Simplifi find it.

    3. Enter the User ID and Password that you use to sign in to your bank's website, then click Connect.

    4. After entering your credentials, Quicken Simplifi will present you with a list of the accounts that it's found and the Action that Quicken Simplifi will take, such as Add to Quicken Simplifi, Link To an existing account within Quicken Simplifi, or Don't add to Quicken Simplifi.

      1. At this point, you must select the Link To option and then tell Quicken Simplifi what account to link it to. If Add is chosen instead, it can result in duplicate accounts.


What causes this error?

  • If you're receiving this error, the bank locks your account; the most common reason is that too many attempts to connect with invalid credentials.

How can I resolve this error?

  • Allow the allotted time [provided by the bank] for the lock to be removed and try again. You may need to contact your bank directly if you continue to experience this error.


What causes this error?

  • This is a general error and requires reauthentication of your account.

How can I resolve this error?

  • You'll be prompted to re-authenticate your account by re-entering your credentials and completing any necessary MFAs.

Bank Specific Troubleshooting


  • We do not support the "Later" account type.

  • Investment accounts are not available to connect to Quicken Simplifi.


  • We do not support "Payroll" account types.


  • We do not support transactional downloads for Credit Card Accounts. This is a limit on the bank's end.

American Express

  • Depending on the type of accounts you are trying to add, you may need to use a different American Express instance in Quicken Simplifi (i.e., you'll need to select the "American Express" option for Credit Cards and "American Express - Banking" for Savings and Checking accounts).

  • While this is not common, some users experience an issue with their payees downloading incorrectly from American Express, and a manual adjustment is required to fix the payee. If you're seeing this issue in Quicken Simplifi, reach out to our support team for further troubleshooting.

Capital One

  • Depending on your account type, you'll need different Capital One instances in Simplifi to add your accounts. For example, if you have a checking account, you'll select Capital One 360. However, if you only have a credit card, you'll choose Capital One Card Services.

    • After signing in to the Capital One secure window, you must select ALL YOUR accounts when adding your accounts. Then, you'll be able to choose which accounts to add or ignore in Simplifi.

  • Pending transactions do not download from Capital One.

E*Trade (ETrade)

  • We do not support password+token MFA options for E*Trade accounts.

Path2College 529 Savings Plan

  • Path2College 529 Savings Plan may require that you manage your financial aggregator access on their website in order to connect in Quicken Simplifi. To do so, follow the steps below:

    1. Log in to Path2College 529 Savings Plan's website.

    2. Navigate to Profile & Documents.

    3. Select Password & Security Features.

    4. Select Manage Financial Aggregator Access.

TrailWest Bank

  • TrailWest Bank offers a PIN-based login authentication method that Quicken Simplifi does not support at this time. To resolve this, you can choose "other authentication type" (MFA security question authentication) from the bank's MFA settings.


  • UBS requires enrollment into aggregator services to be able to establish a connection. If you're unable to add your accounts and are receiving invalid credentials, follow the steps below to enroll in this service:

  1. Sign in to the UBS Bank website.

  2. Go to Profile Settings.

  3. Select enroll in aggregator services and select Quicken/Simplifi.

UFB Direct

  • UFB Direct bank products go through Axos Bank. We do not support external accounts for this financial institution.


  • When adding USAA accounts, you may be required to change your password at the bank's website. This is a requirement by USAA and cannot be bypassed if prompted.

  • USAA does not support the download of pending transactions.


  • Wealthsimple is intermittently blocking us, so you may receive an FDP-105 error. If this happens, we suggest trying again later on or outside of peak hours.

Other Error Codes

If you receive any other error code or message that is not listed here, please get in touch with our Support Team through the Quicken Simplifi Help Center.

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